Exchange Opportunities

Exchanges are an amazing opportunity for students to experience life in Europe, to use and develop their German language skills, to experience German culture, and to meet new people. As Salisbury we offer two exciting exchange opportunities (to see more photos, scroll to the bottom of this page):

Two-Week Exchange

Salisbury has established a partnership with the Nikolaus-August-Otto school in Bad
Schwalbach, Germany. Bad Schwalbach is a small town not too far from

Every two (even) years we host a group from the NAO-Schule for two weeks in the fall. German students stay with their exchange partners, students taking German 20 and 30 at Sal, and attend classes with them. During their time here, we take part in various activities, including visits to German classes, as well as trips to the Reynolds Alberta Museum in Wetaskiwin, the Strathcona Wilderness Centre, a Sal football game, and overnight to Drumheller. Weekends are spent with host families, often visiting West Edmonton Mall and the mountains. Students are often sad to say Auf Wiedersehen to friends they met in person just two weeks ago.

Fortunately, it isn’t long until they see each other again, as the following Spring Break, Sal students visit their exchange partners in Germany for two weeks (in odd years). Besides visiting our partner school and spending time with host families, we take day trips to castles, museums, fortresses, as well as an overnight trip to Heidelberg.

Three-Month Exchange

There is also a 3-month reciprocal exchange program with Germany, offered in partnership with Alberta Education. Students usually apply in their Grade 10 year and are matched with a student from the province of Hessen in Germany (surrounding Frankfurt). The actual exchange takes place the following year. The German students arrive for their 3-month stay at the end of August; Canadian students head to Germany at the beginning of March. Because students reside with their exchange partner, the main cost incurred is for the flight.